Monday, September 22, 2008

Financial Rewards

So here we are watching the federal government take $700 billion of our dollars and use it to bail out companies who because of incompetence, greed and mismanagement are about to fail. So much for the Bush/McCain doctrine of markets free from government regulation and interference. Remember that if Bush/McCain had their way, our social security funds would have been partially privatized and wiped out had they been invested in these “safe” growth oriented institutions.

I’m not saying that this solution is wrong or is not required. I will say however that it shouldn't be a blank check with no strings attached. Not only should the taxpayers have a chance to see a profitable return on their investment it should be time for new rules.

First, the executives of these failed(ing) organizations must be required to repay any bonuses they received during the past three years since it is obvious by the condition of their companies that they didn’t deserve that money, based on their company performance.

Second, we need to place lending restrictions on all of these organizations so that loans meet a minimum underwriting requirement before they get issued.

And finally, it should be illegal for any company in the financial sector to participate with or spend any funds on lobbying activities.

Now’s the time to impose these regulations since we have the most leverage at this moment while they are at the door with their hands out!

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